IMPORTANT TO READ - CDC study (finally) comparing natural, vaxxed and un-vaxxed immunity in 2 states (California and New York), which represent 18% of the US population.
CDC compared 4 groups:
1) U... View MoreIMPORTANT TO READ - CDC study (finally) comparing natural, vaxxed and un-vaxxed immunity in 2 states (California and New York), which represent 18% of the US population.
CDC compared 4 groups:
1) Unvax’d, no prior infection
2) Vax’d (2 mRNA/1 J&J), no prior infection
3) Unvax’d, but had prior infection
4) Vax’d and had prior infection
Here’s the likelihood that the particular immunity you had Lowered your likelihood of getting infected compared to those in Group 1 (those with no immunity at all)
2) 6.2 fold CA & 4.5-fold NY lower
3) 29-fold CA & 14.7 fold NY lower
4) 32.5-fold CA & 19.8 fold NY lower
While a vaccine alone helps a person not get infected, the CDCs own data shows natural immunity gives much greater protection. It also shows no difference or improvement if a person who has been infected, also has the shot.
Thousands of people, including critically needed healthcare and public safety workers, lost their jobs because they were smart enough to not get vaxxed because they knew they had immunity from a prior infection.
Those mandating the vax without knowing your infection history care more about their power than your health. Pay attention to emerging safety data and ask whether you should put you or your loved ones at risk of harm by getting the shot if they’ve got natural immunity.
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