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Please join the group "I HATE DEMOCRATS" and enjoy some memes, articles, and opinions about Democrats.
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Please consider joining the Wimkin group I HATE DEMOCRATS and enjoying some laughs with memes about your most disliked pains in the butt.
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Vic Freeman Is Sparta
It is NOT KIND to deny people terrible truths when their lives are at stake and Sugarcoating is CRUELTY. In this time of unprecedented brainwashing and deception: People need the truth STRAIGHT NO C... View More
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Vic Freeman Is Sparta
Everyone will DIE or be forced into CAMPS and then DIE. We are the ONLY group who can help anyone.
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Vic Freeman Is Sparta
Our country is almost gone. Time is almost up. If you want our Republic to survive you need to share this post.
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Vic Freeman Is Sparta
I have a PROPOSAL that EVERY American should be able to agree with, no matter what side of these issues they are on. What do you think?
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