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The Patriot Party
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Luke Howitt
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Sean Webber
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Luke Howitt
Hello everyone. I've created a page where we can all post news, share ideas and communicate with each other. Come check it out and give it a like to stay tuned in.
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Sean Webber
So, get this guys. You have the power to tell black people if they're black or not. As long as you are white, old, have a dick, and are a Democrat.... View More
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Sean Webber
Since most everyone is new on here, today November 21st is my birthday. I turn 26 today, i am young, but my love for my country is strong, and the fires of youth burn bright. Do not worry. Not all M... View More
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Ruth Beers
Happy Birthday!
November 24, 2020
Donald James
Happy Birthday, Sean.
November 25, 2020
Mark Cawthron
Happy belated B-day Sean!!! I applaud you for your courage. But I also must apologize. My generation saw the change in our education system changing and we did nothing about it. That is a regret I will have for the rest of my life. However the lion's share of the blame lies with Jimmy Carter and the... View More
November 25, 2020
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