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John Grinnell

Male. Lives in Hale, United States. Born on October 22, 1961. Is engaged.
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I will honor our flag support our troops but can not trust our government.
John Grinnell
Nope they don't. But that is what they all have been doing for the last 4 years
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John Grinnell
I'm a proud Trump supporter
John Grinnell
John Grinnell
John Grinnell
Already pissed off passed the point of no return
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Jeanna Gillan
Me too. So over the scam-demic. Lock down over a virus with a 99.9% survival rate? When will sheeple realize what's really going on?
November 19, 2020
John Grinnell
John Grinnell replied - 1 reply
John Grinnell
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