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The Patriot Party
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Clubbin Seals / The Bunker
6 Members
Joe Johnson
Last week: "you state governors, like DeSantis and Abott LISTEN UP! You need to stay out of the way of THIENTH!" This week: " Cuz its the FEDERAL GUBMENTS job to stand in the way of thienth!" Me (both... View More
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Joe Johnson
To all you fellow military vets and current members that happen to vote Democrat: I would like you to notice how many times a member of the MSM has NOT confronted Milley on how many military personnel... View More
Joe Johnson
One more thing... AOC, in her infinite wisdom... wore a very sexy dress at the MET gala... It had on it "Tax the rich"... how nice of her.. Umm at an event that was 20k per person, 200k per table, an... View More
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Douglas Greenfield
And were did she come up with that kind of money on her salary, certainly not from her bartender job. They are flaunting it in the open, corruption is a way of life in today's political world...
September 14, 2021
Joe Johnson
Joe Johnson replied - 1 reply
Joe Johnson
We inherited a date, but not a plan....- Blinken. In other words, they were incapable of planning anything, but needed a real leader to do so... except the real leader was not in office anymore.
Joe Johnson
So... Gen Milley... the moron so afraid of "white rage" called the Chinese to warn them???? And we impeached trump over a phone call? And we WONDER why the Afghanistan exit went so wrong! I know tha... View More
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Douglas Greenfield
I'm afraid you're wrong, it is treasonous to inform an adversery of mission capiblities, by saying he would warn Li of an attack...
September 14, 2021
Douglas Greenfield
Douglas Greenfield replied - 2 replies
Joe Johnson
Wait a minute... JUST WAIT A COTTONWOOD PICKIN MINUTE HERE! SO..... businesses with over 100 employees have to get the jab or the swab... But.......not the POSTAL SERVICE???? is....there a secret covi... View More
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Lori Anne Hubenak
No, but the USPS does have to be alive to deliver all those mail in ballots, ya know? 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼
September 11, 2021
Joe Johnson
Joe Johnson replied - 1 reply
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