Founder of the groups : IT?S A HOAX FOLKS &WE HEART TRUMP_________________________________I am HAPPI... View MoreFounder of the groups : IT?S A HOAX FOLKS &WE HEART TRUMP_________________________________I am HAPPILY Married and am ONLY here to share my views with like minded friends new and old... I joined this platform cause I was sick of being censored so please if your here looking for intimate conversation or possibly getting to know me on a dating type level IM NOT INTERESTED I will just unfriend you please don?t inbox me personal intimate conversations and or compliments that?s NOT WHAT IM HERE FOR For everyone else I am a conservative God loving trump loving America loving patriot who KNOWS that we are being conspired against I spend lots of time finding and sharing information, if your here for the same please join me in my groups :(WE HEART TRUMP). A HOAX FOLKS) am just getting moved over from fb and starting the groups so bare with me wile I build up content and please share any relating content as well thank you for reading & joining my page smile face (emojis aren?t working right now)
About Me
Founder of the groups : IT?S A HOAX FOLKS &WE HEART TRUMP_________________________________I am HAPPI... View More
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Politics and Elections
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Did china buy dominion for 400 million??? If i had it Id bet 400 million that YES THEY SURE DID
Watch video below ????????
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VIDEO BELOW: finnaly someone is trying to make fuckerburg have consequences?
Candace Owens has filed suit against Mark Zuckerburg and his ?FACT CHECKERS?
It?s time for fact checkers to get fact checked big tech has violated thousands of conservative voices and now they have to PAY