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Doug Story

Male. Lives in MANASSAS PARK, Virginia, United States. Born on July 23. Is married.
About Me
Here STRICTLY because of moderator bullshit on Fascistbook, have been married for the past 25 years ... View More
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Doug Story
What President Trump should have done (and I emailed the White House this same thing), is hold a press conference stating something to the effect of "Because of the rampant cheating committed by the d... View More
Doug Story
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Dweller Unseen
It should be offensive to them. They Allah Hu Akbar'ed themselves into something they cant get themselves out of now. If we had the right to do as we would have in the past, their would be zero insurgents and a peaceful group of confused people that can exercise their right to believe in their fals... View More
February 8, 2021
Diane Thomas
If they don't like it then they can get the hell out! That's the problem here, Spanish first, English second, do this, not that. We shouldn't be CONFORMING for others, if you want to live here then learn English and abide by our laws, or don't come here, plain and simple. You don't change your count... View More
February 8, 2021
Dweller Unseen
We are a once strong and proud country fighting off foreign invaders, and letting the world know we are ONE NATION UNDER GOD. But now our enemies are those on our home soil. Those whos family never fought and shed blood for this land. The saddest part is patriotism has been vilified by those whos v... View More
February 8, 2021
Dweller Unseen
Dweller Unseen replied - 4 replies
Doug Story
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Doug Story
I occasionally go on Google Maps to find out how to get to a certain location for work, with this China virus, when I zoom in, I keep seeing notices of businesses being "temporarily closed". I had cau... View More
Doug Story
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