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Heather Nettrour

Female. Born on May 19, 1982. Is single.
Raya Ember the Boston Terrier.
6 members Pets
Page to share pictures and stories about your Boston Terriers. I plan on sharing information on the Boston Terriers and their special needs. Boston Terrier Raya Ember. We had a house fire and lost all the pets. We named all the new pets fire names as we would not have gotten them if there was no fire. Raya and the last dragon came out after the fire and was the first movie we saw after it. We all cried through that movie and it touched our hearts. It also means loyal friendship. I think. In Hebrew it is the word for love between friends, that is a good name meaning for a dog.
Heather Nettrour
Donna Jo Holmes
Hamilton Wallace
Boston Terrier named Sakura
8 members Pets
This is a group for Boston Terrier lovers but fell free to share pictures and stories of your other pets. I will be sharing some pictures about Sakura's friends
Heather Nettrour
Ashley Powell Wygal
Carol Lynn Bui