Darrin Clanton shared a photo
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Holly Deer shared a photo
Sharing this again since I can’t figure out why this news isn’t being covered by everyone in the U.S. right now.
CDC Data Shows Excess Mortality for Ages 0–24 is at 44.8%
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Jase shared a photo
Everyone, please give @TheLoftusParty - https://wimkin.com/TheLoftusParty - Mr. Michael Loftus, a very warm welcome and add him as a friend / follow! Thanks all!
William Bexton shared a photo
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John Swearingen shared a photo
Let em go scrape out what they need with a plastic spoon, oh my bad plastics are oil based too... how thoughtless and stupid of me
Greg Grape
Take the time and watch, He was killed shortly after this. It explains all.
https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2023/05/dr-rashid-buttar-murdered-for-airing-this-video-share-with-everyone-video-37... View More
Dr. Rashid Buttar Murdered For Airing This Video - Share With Everyone!! (Video) | Alternative | Before It
 by N.Morgan Dr. Rashid Buttar was Murdered by poisoning on May 18, 2023 after airing this video. He died in hospital. Tens of millions will die this year after being injected with the Covid 19 Vacci
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David Davies shared a photo