Greetings in the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray that all is well. Many blessings always.
Hope all have a safe a blessed New Year!
Evangelist Matt Snelgrove
Hope all have a very blessed and Merry Christmas!!
Matt Snelgrove
We Need A Revival Now!
If you are thanking of having revival meeting in the near future and in the New Year. Look me up on Facebook Evangelist Matt Snelgrove or give me a call at 803-606-9493 or Email me at snelgrovemk13@gm... View MoreIf you are thanking of having revival meeting in the near future and in the New Year. Look me up on Facebook Evangelist Matt Snelgrove or give me a call at 803-606-9493 or Email me at I'd be more than happy to come out and join you. My wife and I love to tag team on revivals when we can. Will work for love offering. I am considered a part-time Evangelist for NAUME (National Association of United Methodist Evangelist). I have be with them for 1.5 years, been in ministry since 1995 in some capacity. I grew up in the United Methodist Church in Lexington, South Carolina. Started in the youth ministry while teaching Sunday school. In 2004 I became a Lay Speaker and started preaching in a local assistant living in Columbia, SC. And that grew into going into Churches all over the state preaching the full Gospel of Jesus Christ. I preached in the lowcountry in a three point charge for 3 years and then God put a call in my heart to return to my Evangelist roots. I have a passion for the Kingdom of God and bringing people to a closer relationship with Jesus. For more...give me a call.
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