They gotta let the fucking bitch know
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So touching... little baby wants Trump for her Christmas present so bad and it's gonna be granted
Antoinette Mccoy shared a photo
Cute. The OP of this picture really needs to learn to spell-check before posting. Almost thought this was a Pedo Joe meme for a second.
This got me laughing out loud ??
OMG you people be acting funny what the hell is this??
Hospital accused of faking Covid shot for TV after syringe plunger didn't move
University Medical Center in El Paso, Texas, gave a shot using a syringe whose plunger had already been depressed before the needle inserted
I saw 4 different ones on fakebook. Like we will believe their crap.
You all gotta listen to this , you definitely gonna leaen a lot
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You all meditate on the word of God
Julie millward shared a photo