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Please join the group "I HATE DEMOCRATS" and enjoy some memes, articles, and opinions about Democrats.
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Please consider joining the Wimkin group I HATE DEMOCRATS and enjoying some laughs with memes about your most disliked pains in the butt.
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Danny Clark
No matter what, Trump guy for life.
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Luke Howitt
Hello everyone. I've created a page where we can all post news, share ideas and communicate with each other. Come check it out and give it a like to stay tuned in.
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Luke Howitt
Hi everyone. Please give this page a like and share.
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Luke Howitt
G'day everyone. Starting up a page where we can all share information and also have a good laugh at the same time. If we can get the page to 1000 likes, I will take my offensive signs to the Chicom em... View More
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