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Bob Reedy
Republicans are missing the mark by going after Hunter. The proper target should be Joe Biden and his compromising National security and being bought off both through China and Ukraine. Hunter and lap... View More
Bob Reedy
News Flash! Biden moves Pacific Fleet to the Atlantic Ocean in preparation for Chinese invasion!
Bob Reedy
VOTE, VOTE, VOTE! Hopefully conservative, November 8. This could be a major turning point in our nation.
Bob Reedy
How illresponsable is it to leave 7 billion dollars worth of military equiptment in Afganistan? That is your president!
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Can you imagine if Trump had done that???
August 21, 2022
William Colvin
Uh.... it was over 80 billion.
August 21, 2022
Bob Reedy
DARK BRANDON?!?!? WTF? We all know the dark side loses in the end! Let’s go Brandon!
Bob Reedy
Why would raising taxes on the middle class be a legislative win for democrats? Who voted for these people? Stupid people?
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