Trumper humpers lose AGAIN. I told yall things wouldn't go the way you wanted with SCOTUS. View More
Supreme Court denies Trump allies bid to overturn Pennsylvania election results
It was the first request to delay or overturn the results of the presidential election to reach the court.

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Shanna Burnett
Well youre a special kind if stupid arent you? WE will have the last laugh! Better saddle up your unicorn and find your safe space ?

Captain Kirk
6 months they had to file a challenge on the mail-in ballots to stop them being used. Nothing. NOW they file a court challenge after the election? That was a stupid issue to even waste the court's time with. Plenty of other bigger challenges to be heard. Not over yet!
Useless idiots called Trump Haters thought process. Get lied right to your face for three years by Democrats and Media about Russia Collusion. Just to pretend it never happened so you can continue to listen to the coruption and lies so you can post stupid shit to think you know what you are talking ... View More
It's a bad day for trumper humpers! Powell loses cases in both MI and GA. View More
'The people have spoken': Michigan judge rejects lawsuit from disavowed Trump attorney
The rejection is the latest time a federal judge ruled against efforts to undermine the will of voters and award Trump states he did not win.
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Fake voters and dead voters lol. Democrats cannot win a honest election.
Throwing out lawsuits means Democrat judges dont want discovery to uncover the fraud
Remember when Trump would never be President. Then Democrats had to blame Russia because the lost. And dumb dumbs like Wally believed them. And 4yrs later he still believes Democrats.
Nice job Trumper Humpers! The electoral college meets next Monday and now asshat Guiliani has shut down the Arizona legislature. View More
Hey, you got to feel sorry for the freak.......I mean......with a name like "Wally" McGarity........I bet his boyfriend's name is "Beaver.".......just sayin....
Yall are hilarious, but I hope you don't think you're hurting my feelings at all. Enjoy sucking that Trump cock for 44 more days