Gregor Hast
on November 30, 2020 70 views
In this episode of The Editor?s Desk, Michael J. Matt reports on the world premier of Pope Francis? Economy Francesco, starring the woke youth of the world and Jeffrey Sachs.
Next up, Michael encourages his non-Catholic viewers to consider the ?Great Reset? of the Catholic Church that took place a half century ago as an indication of what we might expect from the Great Reset Sorors, Gates and Schwab have in store for the world come January.
Do the globalists actually have the power to turn the world into the New World Order? Or are they just singing John Lennon?s song.
What?s the connection between Bergoglio and Biden?
Do the globalists need to get rid of Donald Trump for the same reason they got rid of Pope Benedict XVI?
Donald Trump wins court victories in Nevada, Pennsylvania and Georgia. Is this election still up in the air? If so, why is CNN and even FOX so silent?
Finally, what happens if Trump loses his challenges? Is the war over, or is it just beginning?
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