Lucy Knox
on October 26, 2020 171 views
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Johnny Chick
Lucy Knox: Off topic (apologizes Lou Mack) how do you close the Chat window, or is this also a 'product' of 'bad actors'?
October 28, 2020
Lucy Knox
Lucy Knox replied - 1 reply
Johnny Chick
Lucy Everything is 5By now.......sheesh! What I was referring to was those members shown in a chat window (box?) at the lower right of the screen. Ordinarily all one sees is a small rectangular box (header) with Chat in it, at the Bottom right of the screen.... View More
October 28, 2020
Lucy Knox
Lucy Knox replied - 2 replies
Johnny Chick
----------------------------------------------- *Two days later* ---------------------------------------------- Apparently I do not get your notifications It's a CONSPIRACY, I tell ya.....................1f609.png
October 30, 2020