on May 20, 2022 1,113 views
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James L Vaughan
I just registered. I would suggest a direct option to share videos to Wimkin. Copying the link and pasting in here is easy enough, but it would be cool if their was a direct link beside all the others.
May 22, 2022
Bob Blank
Bob Blank replied - 1 reply
George Ebling
Warren Buffett fake Indian says they will fight for killing their evil Babies. It must be the tree is bad if babies are bad and need to be killed. So killing all bad trees that have bad babies. No more bad babies. No good figs and bad tree of life is death to whole tree. Kill all Bad women who have ... View More
May 22, 2022
Teri Lundin
So all my favorite music artists from you tube how do I get them to come to truthleak ?
May 22, 2022