Shannon Gilmour
on December 31, 2021 22 views
The only way out of this narcissistic trauma is to go in. What does that mean? It means to look at yourself by looking at the narcissist. This is what I call profiling. By back engineering your pain, bu looking at the narcissist to really understand why it is they do what they do, you can then better understand why it is you do what you do. Profiling the narcissist to profile your trauma is the way to healing. It's the warrior's journey and it is a journey that takes place when you are ready to face yourself, your fears, and face the narcissist by facing yourself.
Udemy course is available to help you understand the spiritual aspects of narcissism along with the clinical aspects that are not yet known.
Happy Learners :
"Thank you very much for giving me a opportunity to learn about- narcissistic behaviors and narcissism. This online course is very- wonderful,helpful and informative." -Sonya Shilman ( Udemy student)
This is NOT another video about the narcissist. This video assumes that you have researched this behavioral disorder already, as this video is focused on YOU.
To understand your pain you have to understand the narcissist and you have done that. Now you want out from underneath those shackles of hurt, bitterness and envy. You want out from underneath the narcissist's shadow.
I get it. This video is meant to do just that as this video will set you free from the burden as your mind fixates on the comings and goings of the narcissist that you just cannot help but to care about.
This video will promise to help you, but it will not give you a quick fix to the road easy. This video will point you in the direction that leads to your ultimate goal; to live a life in freedom without ever drawing your attention to another narcissist ever again.
This video has got you covered. Seriously. This video has helped me set myself on that same course and I would like to invite you to come along with me! I am so happy! So elated and over joyed! I invite you to watch this video in its entirety as I give an introduction to set the tone of this video, then I share with you 8 steps to help you transition your life, and after that, in the last half of the video, oh it gets really juicy. I share with you as Jesus shared in real time in this video with us, the scientific evidence of our creation that is the root cause of our trauma.
I have been dissecting scientific evidence ever since I started my journey of healing 10 years ago and it has never steered me wrongly when backed up with biblical understanding. Using scientific knowledge to help us understand what is actually going on within the trauma bond this video gives you the NUTS & BOLTS to piece your questions together with the answers that transcends your pain.
Suddenly it all makes sense and once you have your A-HAH moment, like I did in making this video, I am convinced you will feel liberated too!
This is a lengthy video so please use the timestamps to help you navigate this better. Thank you for watching!
0:00 Introduction
15:38 Profiling your trauma using the 'Knock-Out Method'
17:35 Step one: Know your enemy
20:24 Step two: Name their behavior
24:40 Step three: Own your thoughts
30:36 Step eight : Transfer of Power
This leads to the T.K.O moment which we had in real time as insight from the Divine showed up and knowledge was given.
32:15 Unpacking the science
47:44 Science now knows what the subconscious is, what it is used for and the electrical properties that we can tap into as this is the seat of our beings.
Please give the video a listen and let me know what you think.
If you have comments questions, suggestions and would like to talk, please email me at:
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Oh just when you might think your healing is done... oh deeper insight came as I was triggered deeply and God shared with me why, and the deeper meaning as to why we truly resist the narcissist. That video will be out shortly!
#narcissism #NPD # Narcissisticabuse #Narcopathy #healingfromtrauma #traumabonding #trauma #toxic #abuse #relationship #toxicthoughts #selfcare #therapy #selfhelp #restoration #selfmatters #worthiness #hope #selfparent #healthyboundaries #coping #health #mentalhealth #emotionalhealth
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