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Shannon Gilmour

Female. Lives in Toronto, Canada.
About Me
Survivor of narcissism. I share strategic methods of overcoming abuse through spiritual self awarene... View More
Shannon Gilmour
Shannon Gilmour
Understanding narcissism means to understand the trauma-bond. There are seven pillars of the trauma bond that create an attachment to the narcissist. Seeing these seven pillars within your own trauma ... View More
Shannon Gilmour
“With the problem out of the way; You become the problem when you create the problem” - Shannon Gilmour
Shannon Gilmour
My story of being sexually abused as a child. It left scars and God has healed those scars. #narcissism #NPD #evil
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Shannon Gilmour
Healing from #narcissism
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Shannon Gilmour
Narcotics alcohol and the #narcissist
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