Jas TexasUSA
on September 8, 2023 111 views
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Pat Eby
Wow!!! Donald Young’s death is still unsolved. He was found on Christmas Day in his apartment, shot point blank in the head. He was a choir director at Obamas church. I’m sure the Clinton family was involved to some extent. I never knew Beau Biden was an Attorney General. Thank you for posting this ... View More
September 8, 2023
Jas TexasUSA
Pat the children are bought under Mind Control program. Just like obama Obama from one of the documentary I watched decades ago that obama barry sotero was sold to Arabian royal family under mind control They groomed him to penetrate the U.S. I wish I have that video it's 45 minutes documentary o... View More
September 9, 2023
Pat Eby
Pat Eby replied - 5 replies