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Casper Stockham
Casper Stockham
The GOP missed a HUGE opportunity by not backing those of us who ran in 2020 as conservative Black Republicans. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2020/10/17/2020_year_of_the_black_gop_renaiss... View More
Casper Stockham
The truth is getting harder and harder to find. This seems to be a good source! https://justthenews.com/
Casper Stockham
This speech from Rand Paul needs to be heard by ALL Americans! Sen. Rand Paul says this impeachment is "antithesis of unity" https://youtu.be/KTiGZeyZw3s
Casper Stockham
Casper Stockham
POTUS Burden, the poster boy for racism, is responsible through his crime bill for the incrassation of thousands of mostly Black men! Now he plans to fix what he and the Democrats did back then? Pleas... View More
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