From a commenter on the subject of evil leaders who have children watching their every move: ' The chances of continuing in their parents proclivities are high. They must be watched.'
My response... View MoreFrom a commenter on the subject of evil leaders who have children watching their every move: ' The chances of continuing in their parents proclivities are high. They must be watched.'
My response: "Don’t be so worried. They might see the truth for what their so-called parents are and disown them entirely.
R. Kelly’s daughter is said to have told him upon learning the truth of his domestic abuse of her mother, Drea, his cheating, his sex trafficking, criminality, statutory rape/impregnation of Aaliyah/abortion of Aaliyah’s baby and child pornography crimes, “I’ll never bring your grandchildren around you!”
That is a devastating thing to say to one’s parent. It’s not unheard of for the kids to reject and cast out their own parents for the evil people they are. And good for the children to turn their backs on them and reject the parents’ sins, abominations and depravity. Sons and daughters do not, under any circumstances, have to follow in their sinful parents' footsteps just because they are mom and dad and they must be blindly obeyed without question. Kids have brains, too.
That shows they can learn right from wrong, and have a backbone, and can make their own decisions. Living with vile, sadistic, amoral, abusive parents doesn’t mean they have to follow the same life path and behaviour they did, because children have choices too; and screw the guilt trip the parents throw at them, or the ones kids are faced with from others.
Rebellion is not always bad.
God's Word says to honor one's parents that one may live long upon the earth. But it doesn't say to honor their sins, their crimes, their abominations or their depravity. No way. My Bible does not say that. What does your Bible say about honoring family sins?
Please pray that the kids open their eyes and turn away from evil parents. Nobody can get mad at that, and God cannot get mad at that, because He teaches everyone, regardless of age, sex, skin color, language or familial connections, to resist evil and sin and criminality. AND THAT’S A VERY GOOD THING.