I TO AM SICK AND TIRED OF HEARING ABOUT THE NEXT 2024 ELECTION, WE MUST FIX, PROSECUTE AND CORRECT THE LAST 2020 ELECTIONS FIRST OR THERE WILL NEVER BE A FAIR ELECTION AGAIN ??The bastards did the exa... View MoreI TO AM SICK AND TIRED OF HEARING ABOUT THE NEXT 2024 ELECTION, WE MUST FIX, PROSECUTE AND CORRECT THE LAST 2020 ELECTIONS FIRST OR THERE WILL NEVER BE A FAIR ELECTION AGAIN ??The bastards did the exact same thing in Europe now violent crimes have increased 500%. The European people are afraid to leave their homes children are being kidnapped and sold as sex slaves Europe is now fucked and everything that use to be charming, traditional, beautiful and unique to that particular country has now turned into a crime infested 3rd world cesspool, the same will happen to America if our borders remain OPEN it's what the bastards want to happen so that the GLOBALIST can easily take OVER a country that no one wants anymore. The migrants that are being allowed in have no moral compass, rape, pillage and plunder=CHAOS=Devastating an entire country and the citizens for the FASCIST GLOBALIST GOVERNMENTS CONTROL OVER EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. LET'S STOP IT NOW BEFORE WE TURN INTO WHAT EUROPEAN COUNTRIES and their CITIZENS ARE SUFFERING UNDER TODAY, A FASCIST TOTALITARIAN EVIL REGIME. We the PEOPLE are CALLING UPON the armed forces and military to ARREST and prosecute every UNCONSTITUTIONAL POLITICAL TRAITOR that has broken their oath to PROTECT, PRESERVE AND HONOR OUR REPUBLIC & CONSTITUTIONAL FREEDOMS AND RIGHTS. EVERY POLITICIAN THAT EMPTIED PRISONS, DEFUNDED POLICE & I.C.E , OPENED OUR BORDERS TO UNSCREENED MIGRANTS, THE CORRUPTING OF OUR RULE OF LAW and ENCOURAGING and PROMOTING ANTIFA & BLM RIOTS AND RACE WARS. THESE EVIL EVIL DEMONS MUST BE ARRESTED BEFORE AMERICA ALSO TURNS INTO A QUAGMIRE OF LAWLESSNESS INFESTED BY 3RD WORLD TERRORIST TURNING AMERICA INTO A CESSPOOL OF PEDOPHILIA RAPE AND VIOLENCE, WE THE PEOPLE ARE CALLING UPON THE MILITARY TO ACT NOW TO ARREST THE TRAITORS AND PROTECT AMERICAN CITIZENS BY PROTECTING THE BORDERS FROM ILLEGAL MIGRANTS FLOODING IN.