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Tommy Winters

Male. Born on May 11, 2007.
And yet Joe Biden is your guy because President Trump just isn't presidential and uses bad words and we Christians are better than that. YOU ARE PATHETIC
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Angry (1)
Thank you to ALL that voted for the communist Joe Biden because President Trump hurt your feelings. More then your feelings are going to be hurt IF Biden is sworn in on January 20th
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Angry (1)
Hey all you Biden voters, did you see freedom of speech was removed from the constitution today. Oh not with an eraser but in actions. Social media has suspended accounts of those that disagree with t... View More
Don't forget to watch for those $2000.00 stimulas checks Biden promised, if the Democrate Senators won in Georgia.
Demorats say, We hate you. We have fought you for 4 years. We hate your family. We are blocking all your tweets. We want to impeach you again. We want Pence to use the 25 ammendment to get you out of ... View More
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Shellie Neuman
January 8, 2021
TWTommy Winters replied - 1 reply
Brad Petersen
How can he not show up for his own inauguration?
January 8, 2021
You're an idiot who cannot think for yourself.
January 8, 2021
For those that are upset that President Trump will not attend Joe Biden's inauguration, THINK. Why would he legitimise a crime?
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Tamara Siddiqui
Hes not attending because there wont be one ??
January 8, 2021
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If "they" have the power to sensor THE President of the United States. We no longer have a first amendment. We need to fight and get rid of the people that do this.
Maybe someone can answer this. It's 13 days before Biden is swarn. The Dems are wanting to impeach Trump, they are blocking his tweets, and they are calling on Pence to use the 25th ammendment to get ... View More
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Dana Whitney
Declassification of Biden documents.
January 7, 2021
Rebecca Frye
I heard if the 25th ammendment is done then he won't be able to get reelected in future. I'm hoping it's not over he will still fight and win but don't blame him for buying an island move there with his family
January 7, 2021
SLScott Ledger replied - 1 reply
Morris H Shelton
They are afraid of President Trump and American Patriots. We will prevail. Semper Fi.
January 7, 2021
My grandma's favorite song.
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