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Male. Lives in Melbourne, Australia. Born on May 19, 1967.
Wimkin website is down!
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Using Wimkin on iPhone it kicks me out after 5 mins or less does this happen to anybody else?
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Vic Freeman Is Sparta
"People wonder, "how is it that we didn't do something". We didn't run away, we didn't hide. Well, Things didn't happen at once. Things happened very slowly. So each time a new law came out, or a new ... View More
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Vic Freeman Is Sparta
Nobody is doing JACK SQUAT effective about the MASS MURDER and KIDS getting PERMANENT HEART DAMAGE. It needs TO STOP. The answers are at the link: This process is up to THE PEOPLE and The People alo... View More
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Vic Freeman Is Sparta
My friend to call this an emergency may be the greatest understatement ever made. This info is showing strong results in breaking through brainwashing at new levels. It’s scary info, but people MUST... View More
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Vic Freeman Is Sparta
If we don’t coordinate we don’t stand a chance. If we DO coordinate our enemies don’t stand a chance.
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