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Coven of Pagans
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Sacred Spiritual Healing Coven
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Wicca - The Way Of Life
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Spirituality or Religion
Sam Wilson
updated their cover photo.
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Sam Wilson
Wouldn't it be just a mindfuck, to walk on that island, with both American and Japanese veterans, at the same time? To hear their stories, to see how they remember the battle, and to think of how trul... View More
Sam Wilson
Anyone notice that Westboro Baptist completely disappeared, but it would seem like their very singular psychology hasn't really gone anywhere at all? We still have that same extremism, but it's not as... View More
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Will Jones
WBC history suggests it is/was a psyop of the FBI.
August 25, 2021
Sam Wilson
Extremism still rampant, wonder how much of that was inspired by the FBI?
August 25, 2021
Will Jones
Will Jones replied - 1 reply
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