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Sean Earley

Male. Born on November 30, 1969. Is married.
About Me
Tech Consultant | Musician | Host of the Feedback! Podcast | Husband, Father and Brother
Sean Earley
Fellow conservatives, we need to have a SERIOUS talk about AI. I don’t know how to state this more seriously, but if we want non biased AI, that also allows for any kind of conservative thought or opi... View More
Sean Earley
Excellent decision, Montana!
Sean Earley
New AI tools are popping up on a daily basis, so developing effective processes can seem like a constantly moving target. In today’s podcast, I discuss how I have been using the latest platforms such ... View More
Sean Earley
"Xi Jinping Says He Is Preparing China for War." China has hypersonic missiles, Russian and Chinese kids are getting military training and the US is whining about pronouns and possibly losing TikTok. ... View More
Sean Earley
“The Chinese government considers some advanced technology, including content recommendation algorithms, to be critical to its national interest” they pretty much said it… Data concerns aside, it is i... View More
Sean Earley
Now they are trying to cancel having proper manners? Ma'am and Sir are NOT insults. They are signs of respect, being polite and courteous. Something more people should learn more about these days. As ... View More
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