Coming Soon: AXIS
A new novel by
Randolph S. Stewart
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Novel: AXIS trailer
Welcome to AXIS. He was born and bred to fight evil. He was taught people like the woman he loved, that he thought was a normal person, was that evil.
When the zombie plague came, it was bad, but they
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God is not just a "crutch" for our damaged souls. We are healed through His Son, who himself bore our burdens on a tree
Heavy Laden (original song)
In the darkness? The weight of the world crashing on your shoulders?
You don't have to struggle alone. Jesus Christ is here to help you.
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John Daner on drums.
Blue Horizon | R. Scott Stewart
Blue Horizon by R. Scott Stewart, Alternative music from Valley Grove, WV on ReverbNation
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Fairy Tale Heroine (Official Video)
R Scott Stewart (The Rock Troll's) official Fairy Tale Heroine video. Off "Fire of the Sun."
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Ord of Rhule
An adventure unlike any other. View More
The Ord of Rhule
The Ord of Rhule [Stewart, Randolph S] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Ord of Rhule
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Guest Jam: Elton John, 2012, WesBanco Arena:
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