Give a Nile Crocodile a bath! Things I would rather do than watch the State of the Union speech.
Thank you, Jordan Peterson, for this list. I wish I had known this years ago, it would have saved me a lot of trouble I got myself into, much of it of my own doing.
About this list, you need to be t... View MoreThank you, Jordan Peterson, for this list. I wish I had known this years ago, it would have saved me a lot of trouble I got myself into, much of it of my own doing.
About this list, you need to be thriving in at least four of these areas or you are not a balanced person and will succumb to psychological stresses of your own making. The less areas, the more internal psychological stress and outward unbalanced behavior.
1. Friends – You need close friends that you can share your life with and help each other over the rough times. Who are your close friends? Name five people you can call at 2 AM to help you with your car that broke down, not including relatives. And they will come to help you! If you can't, you don’t have enough real friends.
2. Relationship - Intimate relationship with someone you trust. A very close person in your life that you can be open with and not fear unjust judgement. This can be a spouse, or if you are not married a very close friend. This person must also have the courage to tell you when you are about to do something stupid and explain to you why it is a stupid thing to do.
3. Career - You need to be financially independent and constantly improving yourself. If you cannot pay your bills and get ahead financially, you will always stress over money and spouses that fight over money are more likely to get divorced. Also, if you are not improving, you are dying. Make it a point to learn something new every day.
4. Schedule - Without a schedule, your body doesn't have any rhythm. If you don't have a daily rhythm, your health declines and time slips away.
5. Eat - Maintain a balanced diet, exercise, and limit your use of drugs and alcohol. This also directly relates to good health. If you don’t have your health, a lot of other things don’t matter.
If you don’t have all five or even a few of them, concentrate on one of these life attributes and make it happen. You will slowly feel a difference in your life and feel better about yourself and the world around you. Next, move on to another attribute. It will take some time to work these out, but your future self will thank you for it.
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I really love being on a government watch list,
with all of you.
If you live in West Virginia's 13th State Senate district, please vote for Mike Oliverio.
Candidate for State Senate | Mike Oliverio | Morgantown
Mike Oliverio is running for the Republican nomination for West Virginia State Senate to represent District 13.
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