Rapture: Jerusalem is the KeyRJ
Group Info
"RJK" IS A PRE-TRIB RAPTURE BIBLE-PROPHECY WATCHMEN'S GROUP Israel's re-birth with sovereignty over Jerusalem, is KEY TO THE PROPHETIC TIMELINE! "It gives meaning and urg... More"RJK" IS A PRE-TRIB RAPTURE BIBLE-PROPHECY WATCHMEN'S GROUP Israel's re-birth with sovereignty over Jerusalem, is KEY TO THE PROPHETIC TIMELINE! "It gives meaning and urgency to all the other signs." (Luke 21:24) ~ Hal Lindsey
"If the watchman sees the sword coming & doesn't blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned..I will hold the watchman accountable for their blood."
WELCOME to our humble Eschatology Group! (Eschatology: means study of the End times. We look to ESCAPE the Wrath of God, the Tribulation: "PRE-TRIB") Happy you're here! We are an OPEN/PUBLIC group to welcome many on FB. If you are a sincere answer-seeker, we'll try to help...AND not just the several Admins here, but mature believers, please feel free to share in pointing folks to Jesus and His soon "Catching up" of His Church!!!
GUIDELINES for peaceful visits here:
*We are a PRE-TRIB group....this is NOT open for public discussion. But if you sincerely seek to figure this out: PRIVATE message an Admin.
*We are also: JESUS first, Pro-Israel, Pro-Life, One woman/One man marriage. So these topics are also not up for discussion.
*We love the King James Version but not as the only "holy" version...
*We believe Obama is the worst president ever, BUT do not believe he 'is THE AC', yet rather a forerunner, living the "spirit of antichrist" of the end times; we should pray for his salvation.
*We are taking Christmas and Easter for JESUS! Using these days as opportunities to share about Christ's first coming and His Resurrection!
POSTS WE DELETE (which may have you deleted from this group):
~NO sales, porn, profanity, rudeness, arguing etc. posts are tolerated!!!
~Date setting of any kind is wrong and has hurt many a person...
(we believe in the imminent "Catching up" of the Church...any day now...
because ONLY the Father knows the day and hour...) this could very well include the 2-3 day Feast of Trumpets, IF the Rapture is a Feast event, BUT again... NO ONE but the Father knows the year He, The Son, will return!
~As far as Rapture dreams and prophetic words, if they don't line up with the BIBLE they will be deleted... these DO NOT TRUMP THE BIBLE... Jesus fulfilled the Law and the Prophets...there are NO Prophets of God today! None...Jesus was it! (But yes there are still words of prophecy.)
***We are encouraged by interesting things going on that seem to point to the church being caught up soon or a soon Trib period...these include:
Again, these are extra Biblical, and yet very interesting in this generation.
IF we all abide in Christian love and sound Bible teaching, our group can be salt and light to a dying world... which needs the "Blessed Hope" of a soon coming Savior....Jesus Christ / Yeshua HaMoshiach...so Maranatha!!!
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