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Rodney Powell Jr

Male. Lives in Shallowater, Texas, United States.
Company, Organization, or Institution » Community Organization
Rodney Powell Jr
Medicare investigation of their corruption is coming soon and it with be massive.
Rodney Powell Jr
I’ve accepted several new friends who reached out to become friends. Im a 66 year old man. Been single since 1997. My message to the Lady’s, if your looking for a relationship it will not include me. ... View More
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Rodney Powell Jr
All of these illegals protesting in the streets need to be rounded up and hauled off. The laws are already in place but abused by our own corrupt government. You have two choices, apply for citizenshi... View More
Rodney Powell Jr
Trump has a huge mess to clean up. Not sure its possible in 4 yrs but he will damn sure clean up a majoity of it. This country under Demon Crat rule has been devastating. One big thing i would love to... View More
Rodney Powell Jr
http://www.drgaryboyd.com My cousin Gary Boyds testimony
Rodney Powell Jr
How bout we immediatly investigate how politicians get in office and within 5 years are mulimillionaires?? Example AOC AND MANY OTHERS. Simple task follow the $$$.
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