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Rocky Cheadle
Department of Education announces launch of 'End DEI' portal https://tiny.iavian.net/23c38
Rocky Cheadle
Canada spent $216M digging up Christian schools looking for 'secret' indigenous child graves—0 found... - Revolver News https://tiny.iavian.net/23bmu
Rocky Cheadle
Doctor Asks If You Voted for President Trump to Starve the WHO of Cash https://tiny.iavian.net/23bya
Rocky Cheadle
Planned Parenthood Makes $2 Billion Killing Babies, It Doesn’t Need Our Tax Dollars - LifeNews.com https://tiny.iavian.net/23bgj
Rocky Cheadle
18 Horrifying Statistics About the Healthcare Industry That Will Make You So Mad You Will Want to Tear Your Hair Out https://tiny.iavian.net/23afu
Rocky Cheadle
Woman describes harrowing abortion pill experience: 'I nearly died' https://tiny.iavian.net/23auy
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