🇺🇸 Hello Friends!🇺🇸
Here is a newly mixed version of my song that Wendy and Brock graciously played on the WBR show a couple weeks ago! Add it to your Let’s Go Brandon playlist! https://open.spotify.c... View More🇺🇸 Hello Friends!🇺🇸
Here is a newly mixed version of my song that Wendy and Brock graciously played on the WBR show a couple weeks ago! Add it to your Let’s Go Brandon playlist! https://open.spotify.com/track/6m7cOlBzQsQSiiMzH5f1eP?si=xMC8K9miReGeIV-ST8Dt6g
Hi Sharon, One is tragically mistaken…your Rabbi or Jesus Christ. There are notable misunderstandings about what authentic Christianity actually teaches. We are monotheistic. Some of the cults teach p... View MoreHi Sharon, One is tragically mistaken…your Rabbi or Jesus Christ. There are notable misunderstandings about what authentic Christianity actually teaches. We are monotheistic. Some of the cults teach polytheism such as Mormonism. In addition, there is very strong textual evidence for the New Testament. The earliest NT writing is the Gospel of Mark About A.D. 55. The last penned gospel is John about A.D. 85-90. The writings and epistles of St. Paul are approximately 60 A.D. Before Paul became a follower of Christ on his way to Damascus (Read Book of Acts), his name was “Saul of Tarsus.” He was extremely zealous and led campaigns to persecute Christians by putting them to death. He was ZEALOUS on steroids. Your Rabbi is also very zealous as are you, Sharon. However, it’s is zealousness without revelation from our one TRUE GOD YAWEH. I used to be very much like you….
Pray for GOD’S GRACE and REVELATION on this one, friend Sharon. GOD IS ONE…THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD…however, you err in not perceiving the NATURE OF GOD. btw, your quote of Isaah on your fb page is a reference to GOD THE SON. I can show numerous theophanies and manifestations of Christ in the Hebrew Bible. For openers, concerning the creation of man, OUR ONE GOD declared…”WE shall make man in OUR image…male and female he created them…”. The plural OUR is a reference to the nature of our ONE GOD HIMSELF…Who in essence is THREE PERSONS: GOD THE FATHER, GOD THE SON, and GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT. (NOT three separate gods).
In relation to keeping the Mosaic Law; you and I violate the Law all the time, if not in our very thoughts, let alone our actions. For example, if there is anything in us that tolerates “abortion on demand” in any form, the Law of God is then violated. As a matter of fact, if you have received vaccinations for COVID, and other diseases, the freshly aborted cadavers of unborn babies have been used for such vaccines. Then, there are the skin creams generated by cartilage and placental material from approximately 62 million, slaughtered unborn children since ROE V. WADE!
All this to say, we violate GOD’S LAWS all the time, many times with and without knowledge. However, the law is the LAW. This is why Christ Jesus, GOD THE SON…THE SON OF GOD…THE SON OF MAN died in our place. ONLY HE could satisfy the requirements of the Law, because HE was/is GOD IN HUMAN FORM.
If YOU have had ENOUGH of the insanity with the only changes being things getting worse every day, then this post is for YOU.
WHO is they who PHYSCIALLY PENETRATE the skin of children? Who holds the syringe in their hand? Who utilizes their own muscular strength to PUSH THE POISON IN.......
Here's a HINT: It's not anyone ... View MoreWHO is they who PHYSCIALLY PENETRATE the skin of children? Who holds the syringe in their hand? Who utilizes their own muscular strength to PUSH THE POISON IN.......
Here's a HINT: It's not anyone who works for Pfizer, or anyone in government.
If YOU don’t need to be spoon fed and you don’t just sit around while others do all the work, AND YOU want to Fully Restore and Secure Our Republic: Please join us as we Restore and Secure Our Republ... View MoreIf YOU don’t need to be spoon fed and you don’t just sit around while others do all the work, AND YOU want to Fully Restore and Secure Our Republic: Please join us as we Restore and Secure Our Republic!