There’s sure a lot of ‘arson around’ goin’ on in CA. Just like Maui!!!!Those poor people who are co spidered so ‘expendable’ by those pieces of shite who are paid to this day and under solemn oath to ... View MoreThere’s sure a lot of ‘arson around’ goin’ on in CA. Just like Maui!!!!Those poor people who are co spidered so ‘expendable’ by those pieces of shite who are paid to this day and under solemn oath to protect them. Bastards…. Every one of them! Just wait! It all comes out in the end! Rumor has it that it’s all prep for the planned’SMART CITIES’ of the communists running that state….. into the ground😏😒😔😟🙁🫤😦
Is that stupid prick with ears half-a-head Biden gonna take credit when Our Real POTUS Trump releases the American Hostages used as a smokescreen to hide the grand theft election 2020 by the Left?
Ju... View MoreIs that stupid prick with ears half-a-head Biden gonna take credit when Our Real POTUS Trump releases the American Hostages used as a smokescreen to hide the grand theft election 2020 by the Left?
Just like the stupid fool tried to steal the credit for the current Israel negotiations by the legally elected incoming POTUS God bless his heart forever ….. darlin’ man 💚💚💚❤️❤️❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🙏🙏🙏
To the Sabre-rattlers and those who have ‘begged’ a fortune for years and the fear mongers whose avarice blinds them to the huge shift we just witnessed on US Liberation Day … November 5th 2024
We ... View MoreTo the Sabre-rattlers and those who have ‘begged’ a fortune for years and the fear mongers whose avarice blinds them to the huge shift we just witnessed on US Liberation Day … November 5th 2024
We must trust in Our Lord..., His Mighty Hand is on this great POTUS. You think we are greater than Him? Faith precedes the miracle. This entire situation is in His Mighty Hand .... and out of ours.
Stand still and see the Glory of Our God. After our Real POTUS has done all he can....stood tall and fearless...Our Father and Jesus Christ are always on the side of Truth and righteousness. Unfortunately our brothers and sisters have chosen unrighteous dominion which will always be 'trumped'
Look Up and pray.... we are way past 'donations'.
Don't be sooo quick to forget the miracles we have already witnessed.
In God We Trust.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🙏
Chinaman Joseph Biden’s two biggest achievements during g the period 2020-2024 were:
1) Illegal occupation of the Oval Office for four years because he did not win in 2020
As Donald Trump (Incumbent)... View MoreChinaman Joseph Biden’s two biggest achievements during g the period 2020-2024 were:
1) Illegal occupation of the Oval Office for four years because he did not win in 2020
As Donald Trump (Incumbent) actually did,
2) Engaging himself in the ‘marketing of time with so-called ‘US President’ knowing full well that he was going to deny, deny and deny (fave Leftie tactic) and pardon Hunter anyway.
The thing is the TRUTH always comes out
and consequently both of the above are completely devoid of any legitimate authority and every single EO, mandate, decision or ruling made by this lying imposter is ‘null and void’ and USA is finally in the hands of the real POTUS #’s 45,46 and 47! Glory Hallelujah!
Trump never lost an election and until
Anthony ‘Mengele’ Fauci is arrested, charged, convicted and behind bars fir his crimes against peace and against humanity
there is going to be more of this ‘engineered germ/virus’ shite every winter.
The real crime is the releasing of these ‘laboratory manufactured germs’ on mankind for monetary gain.
Fauci is a ‘clear and present danger’ to mankind and is there a projected date when the little bastard is going to be held accountable for lying under oath to the US Congress about ‘gain of function’ and govt funding to the Wuhan Lab via the National Health Institute?
Finally, WTF is the little creep lecturing us on ANYTHING for? He should be on Death Row for mass murder.
The truest statement is:
As for me… I’ll be relying on the supernal immune system with which Our Heavenly Father blessed us… testing, no Fauchi Ouchie, no attention whatsoever!
It been an honor being your PR and has the comes to end I’m looking forward to new dawn next year and we accomplish our goals more.
I’m utterly convinced that the so-called
‘Drones’ are a false-flag set-up to divert attention from Trump and keep some pertinence for themselves as they leave in SHAME that will follow them all the wa... View MoreI’m utterly convinced that the so-called
‘Drones’ are a false-flag set-up to divert attention from Trump and keep some pertinence for themselves as they leave in SHAME that will follow them all the way into eternity.
Lyin’ cheatin’ Treasonous sons o’ bitches should be tried for dereliction of duty and high treason, crimes against peace and crimes against humanity and if found guilty should be sentenced to be hanged by the neck until dead.
We are not totally innocent but are complicit thru our silence. This shit show did not happen overnight but was enabled and helped to grow n get out of control by our refusal to stand up and be counted.
Nevertheless and notwithstanding all of this these bastards betrayed the American People and enabled a mass invasion of our country. They are drenched in the blood 🩸of the innocent American victims of this organized invasion of illegal aliens ubto our country. Y’all know who they are and what they done! They will have due process which is a lot more than any of their innocent victims.
I’m sure Trump will simply shoot down the drones and cut the bullshit. Meantime for the remaining time we must suffer these bullshit artists traitors and fools let us please just totally ignore them and prepare for Inaugerration. day and MAGA.
There’ll be plenty of time to seek accountability for dereliction of duty and endangerment of the American People and lying under oath to Congress….. just to name a few criminal pursuits of the outgoing ‘gang’
All will be revealed… then we can turn the page… once the TRUTH is established we will have A FIRM FOUNDATION upon which to MAGA🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
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