Mee Greyone is the Space Heyoka. A little history for you… Mee Greyone has been marooned here for ov... View MoreMee Greyone is the Space Heyoka. A little history for you… Mee Greyone has been marooned here for over 80 revolutions. My damn ship was shot down during a vacation to Antarctica in 1943. On my way back home, I was shot down with a missile during the battle of Los Angeles. Took a missile to my ass. Forced to desert my ship, I had to scratch out a living in the California hills not far from Hollywood. After the “second” Earth war was over, I kind of stumbled my way onto the night club scene. it was there that I was discovered doing stand up. After that, I worked behind the scenes, writing for some of the most memorable films, like the one’s you’ve always heard about. I also did stunt work on sci-fi films during the golden age of film, working with all the greats, like the one’s your grandparents told you about. Decades later, I was an extra in the Star Wars Cantina scene. I went on to work on several films including; stunt double for ET the Extraterrestrial, Fire in the Sky, several X-Files episodes and other movies that you remember & love… Now on social media, I went back to my comedy roots. Us Aliens do not age like humans, so I have lived with and have had many friends with several GENERATIONS of ALL peoples. Before arriving on Earth, I was a jester on my home planet, constantly keeping everyone in check. Now that these woke idiots are trying to ruin everything with their simple minds, perverted ways, devil/Hollywood worship, cancel culture, etc… I’m going after all of them, both barrels blazing. I’ve been here forever and will be here when you are gone. Nothing is off limits… No joke will be left unturned… No one will be granted safe passage… No one is safe from Mee…
About Me
Mee Greyone is the Space Heyoka. A little history for you… Mee Greyone has been marooned here for ov... View More
You can find full episodes of Mee Greyone on YouTube @jestersweb1441
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A Quick Look Ahead At January 20th