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Louis Mitzner

Male. Lives in Lincoln, Nebraska, United States.
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Louis Mitzner
Today is October 28th, 2022, it is 11 days until November 8th, 2022 which is when the Midterm Elections take place. Please get out and Vote! plese share this with family and friends https://www.nrapv... View More
Louis Mitzner
Louis Mitzner
Considering almost none of the $40 billion from the previous bill that was for Ukraine actually made it to the front lines where it was needed! How much after you get your 10% cut big guy, will make ... View More
Angry (1)
Jack Taylor
Every aid package is a payday for Biden.
June 17, 2022
Louis Mitzner
Louis Mitzner
"Take Action to Stop Extreme Gun Control Package"
The Left is trying to ramrod this thru before the November Elections! Please Take action now and Contact your Congressional Representatives ASAP.
http... View More
Louis Mitzner
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