Donald Trump is a Man, not a saint, but a symbol of Common Sense! I do not worship this Man, but I respect Him for his moral strength and fortitude in the atmosphere of left-wing Nazism, when most ind... View MoreDonald Trump is a Man, not a saint, but a symbol of Common Sense! I do not worship this Man, but I respect Him for his moral strength and fortitude in the atmosphere of left-wing Nazism, when most individuals of his status and level would break! And I call on you to Respect and not worship, since worshiping someone excludes common sense and does not help. The subject of worship Biden is an example of worshiping the absurdity of leftism, criminal against Common Sense, Nazi in essence and intolerance to other opinions. Leftist idols are slavery and the destruction of everything and everyone. Therefore, respect People of common sense, but do not worship them, do not make them idols! And you will not have to be disappointed!
And again about nationalism as
Thursday, October 3, 2019
The norm of self-awareness of the community and its members. I have written a lot about nationalism as a positive manifestation of the so... View MoreAnd again about nationalism as
Thursday, October 3, 2019
The norm of self-awareness of the community and its members. I have written a lot about nationalism as a positive manifestation of the social life of the community. A nation is not formed suddenly. People can live together but never become a nation even if they speak the same language or close languages. Language is the starting point for the formation of a nation. It is not for nothing that in the Jewish tradition Yiddish was called "mame loshen" - the mother tongue. National self-awareness begins with language, with the words of the mother that the baby hears, her songs. And it is important that the baby hears them in his native language. And as an adult, speaking many languages, he always returned to his beginning, his first words. And taking away his mother tongue from him is a moral crime. To deprive a person of language means to kill his root self-awareness from the beginning. And a miracle is needed for it to wake up, some kind of national renaissance that can awaken the genetic memory of national roots. Well, and from the outside, depriving the rights to national root feeling did not allow to be equal. So a Jew deprived of all national characteristics by the very way of life was not equal by definition in the country of the original Nazism - the Moscow empire. Like any foreigner. We were allowed to rise only in the case when we were needed professionally, but even then we were reminded that we were needed Jews, khokhols, etc., so that we would remember our place. Many Ukrainian friends told me about this. From family stories and experience of life among Russians. There is no need to talk about scientists of the level of Landau. And, however, there were no Russian scientists at all. As a rule, they were disguised foreigners hiding their roots. And then a logical question arises. Why do we not "Russians" not have the right to our root system, cultural and historical memory? National in all aspects and above all in language. Why is this immediately called nationalism in a bad sense? (The fact that a Russian is not a nation, but a herd without history and roots, genetically ferocious and prone to unmotivated cruelty, we will not consider here. This is a separate topic).
To deny nationality and nation in a broad sense means to deliberately make yourself a creature without a clan or tribe. And then instead of asking: "Who are you?" You can ask: "Whose are you?" In the first case, qualities based on the development of the family tree are accumulated from birth, allowing you to identify yourself.
These are old thoughts.
But now I must return to them. The reason is the demonization of this natural - positive concept. Public figures, to whom many people who consider themselves thinking listen by inertia, pronounce this word with deep disgust. A nationalist is simply an absolute monster. This concept has been turned into a curse word. It is especially unpleasant to hear this from Jews by birth. Such as Borovoy and others, the so-called liberals among whom there are so many emancipated Jews. This is extremely jarring.
What does it mean to be a nationalist in the natural sense? Everything is extremely simple. This is a root self-identification, an association with a community with a common language, customs, cultural traditions. And, of course, its own history. At the same time, not considering oneself better than others and seeking a good compromise in all aspects of existence.
National self-awareness is respect for the memory of ancestors without whom none of the self-respecting people would exist with their fate and the risk of going nowhere, and therefore we would not exist. These ancestors spoke their own language, which was passed down from generation to generation, observed customs and norms of life. Denying this is mockery of the graves of ancestors. We can live in a variety of communities, but we must preserve ourselves if we want to preserve personal dignity. Remember who we are and where we are from.
Nationality is a continuation of nature. All living things in nature are divided into species at all levels of development. People are also divided into communities united by basic features - language, customs, common historical memory in various forms. And in common with other communities that differ from them, only the number of limbs is common, well, and the way of movement - upright. Nationality does not necessarily turn into a nation, a community of different, ideally friendly nationalities and ethnic groups.
I am forced to return to the world of wildlife. Foxes, for example, come in different species and each has its own characteristics inherent to it. She has nothing to be proud of or ashamed of. The silver fox is no better than the red fox. They are different. They are a priori not equal in all characteristics and qualities.
Nationality is determined by the etymology of development and self-identification of the final, unique.
This was the case with the collapse of the Great Roman Empire.
9:15 AM · Jan 13, 2025
Now that Donald Trump has been elected by the People of the United States, stopping the madness of the democratic Inhumans of all ranks - from clinical psychopaths to leaders of state criminals. The l... View MoreNow that Donald Trump has been elected by the People of the United States, stopping the madness of the democratic Inhumans of all ranks - from clinical psychopaths to leaders of state criminals. The latter should be tried. And the sentences should be from life imprisonment to death sentences! But, unfortunately, this is still a dream! Let's pray that they await their fate in Guantanamo and that the much-hated Rednecks work with them! May God give strength to Trump!
שתפו או העתיקו הדביקו אצלכם! תומכי ראש הממשלה, מאוד חשוב! להגביר את התמיכה בראש הממשלה ברשתות החברתיות. שכל אחד יעלה פוסטים, ציוצים לחזק אותו ורק אותו. התמקדו בלחזק את ביבי בימים אלו, כל יום פוסט/ציוץ... View Moreשתפו או העתיקו הדביקו אצלכם! תומכי ראש הממשלה, מאוד חשוב! להגביר את התמיכה בראש הממשלה ברשתות החברתיות. שכל אחד יעלה פוסטים, ציוצים לחזק אותו ורק אותו. התמקדו בלחזק את ביבי בימים אלו, כל יום פוסט/ציוץ גם אם אין לכם לייקים עוקבים שיתופים, תתמידו כל יום, רק ביבי!
Skin color, gender - male or female, simply race as a fact of nature and then the inherent properties of a person - disability, weight and so on - are the reasons for positive discrimination? And more... View MoreSkin color, gender - male or female, simply race as a fact of nature and then the inherent properties of a person - disability, weight and so on - are the reasons for positive discrimination? And more broadly, the principle of positive discrimination and the quota system regardless of professional qualities? And then you must clearly define your attitude to equality in literally all aspects. Everything is totally unequal both in living and inanimate nature! This is a topic for a multi-volume study. And you remember off the top of your head what the absurdity of the very concept of equality means to you. My conclusion! It is absolutely destructive! If it is absolutized, there will be an ocean of blood of ordinary people!
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