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John Shaffer

Male. Lives in Perrysburg, Ohio, United States. Born on July 30, 1951. Is married.
About Me
I'm a Constitutionalist first and foremost. I'm conservative and member of the Republican Party. I'm... View More
Here's what's on my mind. .... What good is it to post articles here on Wimkin and no one bothers to like or leave a comment. Wimkin is basically a conservative app with hardly any democrats or progre... View More
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Robert Brokus
Because if your a republican your not going to like a thing a leftwing demnut has to say. Now watch and see who gets the most likes. If you actually had anything to say good about the democratic party you would amaze 98% of earth's population. Not saying you can't find folly in the republican party.... View More
February 13, 2023
What are you posting John? I see I “liked” the dinosaur post. I don’t remember seeing the others. Looking at mine I see the only likes are on a group, no others I shared.
February 13, 2023 Edited
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