You have heard me rail on this very subject. Get it right people. We are not a democracy. We are a constitutional republic. We elect representatives through the process of a democratic democracy. Thes... View More
Glenn Beck GOES OFF on CNN for saying America is NOT a Republic!
CNN recently asked Trump supporters about America’s “democracy” and were terrified to discover that they believed we’re not a democracy, but a republic. Well, sorry CNN, but that’s true, no matter wha
So , when are they going to be sued for broadcasting false information , you know , like they did to Alex Jones..
I know why. Do you?
$100 million or Elon's retweet?
Patrick Bet David tells about his 100 million dollar offer to Tucker Carlson.In a notable media industry development, Tucker Carlson, the former Fox News hos...
Leah's 7th grade concert