I always refer to Obama as the "Great Pretender". He talks one way and acts in another. Biden is the "Great Divider". Although he is being "handled" by others (Obama) that don't care how idiotic he ap... View MoreI always refer to Obama as the "Great Pretender". He talks one way and acts in another. Biden is the "Great Divider". Although he is being "handled" by others (Obama) that don't care how idiotic he appears, his message is ALWAYS that Republicans are a threat to democracy. Once more they need to get it through their thick skulls. America is a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC not a democracy. These two globalist elites are the frontline of the plot to take down America. There can never be a global government with an intact USA. America (if it survives)will eventually be seeing a number of states not being members of the union anymore. We have reached an impass of no tolerance and no compromise by both parties and rightfully so. How can you compromise your moral values and turn on the God through which this nation was founded? Of course the lunatic left wants all and will except nothing less. Socialism has finally arrived on our shores while we depleted our resources fighting it everywhere else. I say give these nutjobs the whole west coast (3 states) They can also have the northeast New York and everything above. We will be excellent without them. Conservatives... Move into the NEW and improved USA and ALL SOCIALIST DEMOCRATS get the hell out and live in your own cesspool of idiocracy!
Let's identify WHO actually spreads MISINFORMATION. Look at Google's news feeds. Everyday you will see 2-4 separate articles about a fourth stimulus check. All of the reports are from different FAKE ... View MoreLet's identify WHO actually spreads MISINFORMATION. Look at Google's news feeds. Everyday you will see 2-4 separate articles about a fourth stimulus check. All of the reports are from different FAKE NEWS SITES and they all have conflicting numbers and information. What they do have in common is they are all LIBTARD SITES. This can assure you of 2 things that are true. Democracks are trying to buy votes by staging real and fake government handouts just before an election (no surprise) and Libtards are foaming at the mouth for more free entitlements from the government. The idiots need to wake up. IT'S NOT THE GOVERNMENTS MONEY! These are OUR TAX DOLLARS that are supposed to be for the benefit of the COUNTRY not for uncontrolled giveaways with no accountability.
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