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Hubert James

Male. Lives in Portland, United States. is in a relationship and it's complicated.
Hubert James
The best news I have read all day.
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Hubert James
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John Arter
You didn't have to put it's complicated you could have just put in a relationship with another man
August 8, 2022
Hubert James
Hubert James replied - 1 reply
Hubert James
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Hubert James
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Hollie Williams
they arent the same "dude" and Mary did consent she was worried about Joseph but God took care of it. and the tree wasnt magic. and you don't take communion every Sunday. and you accept Him as your heavenly father not master. master signifies no choice...you always have a choice. he didnt create sin... View More
August 8, 2022
Hubert James
Angry (1)
Sick bastard!!
August 8, 2022
Hubert James
Hubert James replied - 1 reply
David Quates
There's a special place in hell for who ever came up with this.
August 8, 2022
Hubert James
Hubert James replied - 1 reply
Ultra MAGA
Coward. YOU would never post Mohammad getting it up the ass cause you are a coward with a hard on for President Trump.
August 8, 2022
Hubert James
Hubert James replied - 1 reply
Hubert James
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