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Jeremiah Gesner

Male. 45 years old. Is married.
Jeremiah Gesner
Jeremiah Gesner
Why the 2nd Amendment is crucial for the preservation or the 15th Amendment, remember the battle of Athens in 1946. “When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.” - Thomeas Jefferson https://ammo... View More
Jeremiah Gesner
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Will Jones
All three who got shot, trying to kill Kyle, were rabbi-sodomized demon-possessed Talmud cult false-Jew Christ-killers of America-attacking Marian/Talmud Idumean Gog, taught from birth we Americans, viz. repentant Christian "Gentiles," are "sub-human animals, Goyim, a mindless herd of cattle who mus... View More
September 1, 2022 Edited
Jeremiah Gesner
DONT LET THE NEXT WAE OF PANDEMICS HAPPEN, heres the truth! Ivermectin and vitamins work https://plandemicseries.com/
Jeremiah Gesner
Why freedom of speech is so important Devastates the leftist agenda. https://www.prageru.com/video/debate-with-leftist-protester-over-prageru-video-8-23-2022
Jeremiah Gesner
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