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Matthew Carpenter
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Matthew Carpenter
Matthew Carpenter
Thanks for telling us who the good guys are?
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Matthew Carpenter
Thanks for telling us who the good guys are?
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Matthew Carpenter
Ouch. lol
Matthew Carpenter
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Matthew Carpenter
It's funny. Libs forced the Right to create a new social platform, and then they turn around and call it a "safe-space". 🙄 Honestly, I challenge any of them to come on here and tough it out on a plat... View More
Matthew Carpenter
Matthew Carpenter
This is what they think of you, fellow Christian.
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Matthew Carpenter
Captain America and Bucky Darryl Dixon Will Byers All have reasons for their mixed emotions and actions based on some sort of trauma or other grown up reason.... View More
Matthew Carpenter
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Bad dog breath!
July 21, 2022
Matthew Carpenter
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