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Scripture News

Male. Lives in United States.
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Ray Pompa
Editor of Scripture News website. Producer of the Scripture News podcast and The Back Yard ... View More
HIS CALLING mMm Patriot - God and Country.
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Politics and Elections
Scripture News
It looks like the current Kamala/ Biden Democrat party administration wants to start a nuclear war. So NOW do you understand why we need President Trump? Why are you still a Democrat?
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David Addis
Let those stupid motherfuckers go fight it!
November 19, 2024
Scripture News
Democrats want to fight President Trumps efforts to keep illegal alien criminals out of the United States. Isn't this something that a low I.Q. (Mentally Retarded) person would do? Is that you?
Scripture News
The L.A. Times is firing a warning shot across California. If they start reporting the truth as the owner of the papers says, others will have to follow. Bad news for the Left, and California will st... View More
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Scripture News
Scripture News
Guess who else voted for Trump?
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Scripture News
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Don't vote for Trump because of the border or economy. Vote for Trump because you don't want a Marxist/Communist regime, which is the "Fundamental change" that Kamala and Socialist Democrats will in... View More
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Scripture News
Scripture News
The simple truth: The Democrat party IS the Communist party now. They will tax you to death until their universal income scheme becomes a reality. Your income will belong to them. They will decide how... View More
Scripture News
The best argument Kamala Harris has for getting your vote is "Don't vote for President Trump," That's it. There is no other reason. She has no accomplishments. She has no other plan. She said she w... View More
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Scripture News
Democrat politicians are afraid to Make America Great Again, because if they do, they might be out of a job.
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Hal Shane
They will be out of a job AND under investigation. Fvcking pedophiles.
October 14, 2024
Scripture News
Even Biden agrees.
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