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Mark Apodaca
https://www.foxnews.com/us/boston-university-lethal-covid-strain-lab This is some scary stuff people. After what we just went through. We The People should be mad as hell.
Mark Apodaca
https://news.yahoo.com/trump-could-be-charged-with-violating-the-espionage-act-former-doj-national-security-chief-says-231911337.html The former chief of the Justice Department’s national security di... View More
Mark Apodaca
Mark Apodaca
Did anyone catch the most concerning part of this story? "The Pentagon expressed concern and also raised opposition to the speaker’s visit" Since when did our military leaders become such wimps?
Mark Apodaca
Interesting to see how far down in the south China sea and in Africa they already have a presence.
Mark Apodaca
Biden's Title IX rule could mean your daughter's college roommate will be a man https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/biden-title-ix-rule-could-mean-daughter-college-roommate-man
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