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by on April 6, 2024
It's no secret that Disney is a company with peculiarities to its name, and by now, the allegations are universally accepted that they have been accused, along with all Hollywood, of predatory crimes against children. The purpose of this article is not to dive into the evidence, but highlight the psychological methods that may be used to trap children. This is all speculation, and based on my personal theory. Let us explore cartoons, and fairy tales placed in cartoon format. Simply put, a car...
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by on February 21, 2024
I'm sure most people have seen his Oscar the Grouch-esque rant about how, according to him, you have to have the covid jab. I know I'm flogging a dead horse here, but did any music fans, other than myself pick up on his utter betrayal of rock n roll? Yes, he took a massive piss on people's freedoms, but this goes far beyond politics. He said that you do not get to do what you want. You have to do what the government tells you. His whole spluttering sermon should automatically have him remove...
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by on January 5, 2024
There were cultures in the ancient world who sacrificed infants, cut infants from the wombs when attacking an enemy territory, and others who walled people up in pillars, to die in constricted darkness.What if I told you these people were infinitely more noble than we are today? Think about it. We are a society that kills off its own young in the name of "choice," simply because some ho couldn't be bothered going through with the birth. At least the ancients slew their own young in the bel...
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by on January 3, 2024
First and foremost, I will say, that I was using an open source word processor all through Mac and Windows (LibreOffice), so very little changed as far as software. I did try Apple Pages, and while it's a good program, I hate that it doesn't automatically capitalise the beginning of a sentence. As for MS Office, don't even get me started; I'm not paying for the same thing over and over. LibreOffice is a free, open source office suit that is cross platform, and there are even limited versions of ...
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by on December 10, 2023
There is no shortage of advice out there to tell you how you should write your book, and it often goes as far as to tell you what should and should not happen. Kill off this character, conform to diversity politics, don't use this language, don't portray your character like that..... To hell with it all! It's your story, your characters, your style. If you want to write protagonist who is "old fashioned," go for it. Whatever you do, make sure you are able to logically justify it. One of my main...
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by on November 29, 2023
I understand the urge to search how-to videos when writing a book. I've done it myself, and there is no absolute rule that I might not do it again at some point. But the thing to remember is that no one can tell you how to write your book better than you can. Most of these content creators are more invested in views than how your book turns out, even if they say otherwise. How many of them have sponsors and paid advertisements? It's not that there is anything wrong with making money, it is only ...
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by on November 23, 2023
We hear a lot about growing from a boy to a man, as if the boy is punitive form, while the socially conditioned "adult" is the perfect aspiration. But what is a boy but a man who is growing to adulthood? Before society gets to the boy with its expectations of what it calls acceptable behaviour, he has most of the same basic instincts as a man. He will push when he is shoved, he will protect his sister, and will want to be thought of as strong. Growing from boyhood to manhood is all well and g...
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by on November 16, 2023
I've heard all the arguments for verification; it prevents bots, people will be more conscious about what they say, no one can hide if they are using the cyber space for criminal activity, and most importantly, the trolls won't be able to hurt Jordan Peterson's feelings. The verification crowd is pleased to ignore the vast consequences for regular people. The first, and most far reaching issue, is you will no longer own your personal information. If you met somebody on the street, and didn't ...
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by on November 14, 2023
One look at the gods and heroes of every ancient mythology makes unquestionable that strength was very important to the world view of ancient man. There is a trend in modern paganism to be, well, modern, and to think of things like Wicca and the new age as "following the old ways." This flawed reasoning goes as follows: Did you set up an altar with modern candles, and an altar cloth made from modern, synthetic materials to "save the planet?" Old ways. Did you NOT take revenge, because of yo...
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by on November 10, 2023
Being the youngest of a large family, and having health problems at a young age, I always was a fighter, and a plotter. I had to be. I have also been underweight for much of my life, despite an active lifestyle, being incredibly strong for my weight division, as well as lifting weights and practising various styles of martial arts. A couple of years ago, I started experimenting with Strongman training, and achieved 74/5kg (165lb). That was a huge step for me, and, training 2/3 days a week with a...
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by on November 10, 2023
Let's start this off with a question: Why do we have a Holocaust remembrance day focusing on the Jews, when Hitler's victims included Germans, and, in fact, pretty much the rest of Europe? Or how about this: Why is there so much focus on Hitler's holocaust, while we completely ignore Stalin's equally as murderess actions towards Jewish people? ...
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by on November 8, 2023
One accusation by the globalists against anyone who attempts to expose Zionism is that they are anti-Semitic, or racist, or straight up Nazis (now it's the accusation of supporting Hamas). The reason for this is to silence any opposition to their plans. It is true, many who have gone down the rabbit hole have emerged with a dim view of the Jewish people from absorbing the worst they have to offer, and have become so jaded that they will spit hateful rhetoric along with the facts. But anti-Zio...
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