Brilliant, we get loads of money and can test them in a war where we "care" about Ukraine!
In a deteriorating security policy situation, Saab's stock has soared - and after Russia's invasion of Ukrai... View MoreBrilliant, we get loads of money and can test them in a war where we "care" about Ukraine!
In a deteriorating security policy situation, Saab's stock has soared - and after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the defense group can analyze the effectiveness of their weapons. At the same time, the Gripen fighter has faced several business setbacks.
Well explained how Sweden is today, all the income immigration would give since 2015, and according to socialist parties, its Putin prices.
DEBATE. Lowest growth within the EU. Fourth highest unemplo... View MoreWell explained how Sweden is today, all the income immigration would give since 2015, and according to socialist parties, its Putin prices.
DEBATE. Lowest growth within the EU. Fourth highest unemployment rate. And 700,000 foreign-born, who are not self-supporting, which costs SEK 132 billion every year. This is the result after eight years with Magdalena Andersson as Minister of Finance and Prime Minister. A conclusion which in itself is reason enough to change the government in the autumn elections. The Social Democrats lack an answer as to how to reverse the trend - and with the Left Party and the Green Party in government after the autumn elections, it will be impossible. We constantly hear various Swedish ministers blaming all of Sweden's problems on external factors, not least the war in Ukraine. It is of course true that it curbs inflation. But it wasn't Putin who made sure we had the world's most expensive diesel even before the invasion. Not Putin who shut down fully functioning Swedish nuclear power. And it wasn't Putin who formed a government with the Green Party, raising 46 taxes in eight years. SEK 18,000 per year It's about sausage prices, not Putin prices - home-cooked toppings that feel in the wallet. The Social Democrats' tax increases have cost an ordinary family with two children nearly SEK 18,000 per year. 28,000 per year, if you add the bill for increased electricity prices, due to the failed energy policy. Travel, plastic bags, clothes, housing and electronics have been deliberately made more expensive. After the election, how will Magdalena Andersson cope with the economy and the line of work with the Left Party in the government? Or nuclear power and industry's terms with the Green Party? Although similar problems now affect many countries, it is clear that Sweden is doing worse than most. Last week, the European Commission came up with its overall forecast for the economy, and Sweden stands out in a jumbo place when it comes to growth. This is serious because good growth is a prerequisite for securing resources for the police and the rest of the justice system, the defense, schools and secure welfare. That Sweden ends up in jumbo place is a gigantic failure. And does anyone remember Magdalena Andersson's promise that Sweden would have the EU's lowest unemployment by 2020? Instead, it was the bottom league, and a fourth place from the end.
Deteriorating for Swedish companies The Social Democrats have spent eight years systematically dismantling the line of work, and worsening the competitiveness of Swedish companies - not least through the hugely costly premature dismantling of nuclear power. They have passively allowed the exclusion to grow, and the costs of it to shine. Now we see the devastating consequences. The good news is that it is possible to reverse the trend, if we just change course: A clear line of work with a grant ceiling that always makes it more profitable to work than to go on grants. A stop on tax increases which means that no new taxes may be introduced and the total tax burden should not increase - first we must know that all the taxes we already pay go to the right things. Sweden also needs the best possible conditions for business and entrepreneurship so that there are more jobs. In addition, a new energy policy is required that makes it possible to build new nuclear power with clean and cheap electricity for households and businesses. A change of government is needed But all this presupposes a change of government. Not four more years of the same. The Social Democrats have already shown that they fail even in boom times. And how will Magdalena Andersson manage the economy and the line of work with the Left Party in government after the election? Or nuclear power and industry's terms with the Green Party? The election on 11 September means a great opportunity - to vote for a new government that can put Sweden in order. A government that eases the pressure on households, accelerates growth, puts people to work and secures income for future welfare.
By Ulf Kristersson Party Leader (M) Elisabeth Svantesson
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