All of you anti abortion people Sound like the dumbass Peter Gtiffin in this Scene
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Keith acker
Well.....there's condoms for men,condoms for women,the pill,the morning after pill,a hundred kinds of implants for in the uterus,in the arm, diaphragms...abortion isn't nessesary,not even as a last resort ..because there are pre-emptive,preventative options widely available...soooo ,there's that🤔how... View More
Sandy Meshell
How dumb and disgusting.
Bishop of Aachen: "Homosexuality is God's will." 🏳️🌈
Aachener Bischof: "Homosexualität ist gottgewollt"
Der Aachener Bischof Helmut Dieser setzt sich dafür ein, dass homosexuelle Paare gesegnet werden dürfen. Auch für Verhütungsmittel wie Pille und Kondom wünscht er sich eine "Neueinschätzung
Check mate
What this person seems to not understand, most deaths by guns in America are done by illegal guns, and criminals these leftists DAs all support and give light sentences too. Gun crime in America is because of the left and their pro crime policies
You don't believe Americans should be allowed to purchase guns for self defense?
Myths of European Gun Laws
DarrinWeiner March 18, 2013. Posted in Uncategorized 25913
Several years ago Canadian criminologist Gary Mauser and I published what is apparently the only extensive study of violent crime and gun laws internationally. Our study debunked two widespread myths: First, ... View More
Europe is free
Europe has fewer guns than people
Europe has gun controll
Europe has fewer mass shootings
USA is free-ish... View More
You should be out chopping down Germany's forest to stay warm this winter
Europe has made so very many grave mistakes its on them they are nothing but radical pussies over there're Obama