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Thomas Newgard
March 31, 2020. White House press briefing, President Trump said Florida Give.Ron DeSantis is "a great governor" who "knows exactly what he's doing" in response to COVID. Now, today, Trump claims De... View More
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Linda Miceli
DeSantis Sucks!
May 26, 2023
Thomas Newgard
Trump is making a big mistake by attacking DeSantis.
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LinQ Arms
Was I dreaming the fact that deSantis has turned into deSoros?
May 25, 2023 Edited
Speedy Gonzalez
DeSantis is a rino, watch and see. DeSantis running for president is democrat play to divide the republicans to take votes away from Trump.
May 25, 2023
Alfred Tennant
May 25, 2023
Thomas Newgard
Did someone hack @realdonaldtrump, bizarre reaction to DeSantis announcement.
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Thomas Newgard
The King of beers has gone woke. It was my choice of beers, no more Screw Budweiser. Go woke, go broke.
Thomas Newgard
Trump is making a big mistake if he thinks calling DeSantis names is going to help him. Also running an ad stating DeSantis wanted to cut social security and Medicare was an ad run by the democrats in... View More
Thomas Newgard
What is wrong with @realdonaldtrump. calling DeSantis a RINO Globalist. Does he really think his 3rd grade name calling works. The answer is NO. Why do you think suburban women are so Turney off.
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Robert Brokus
Somebody show me where Trump said that. Please! It's hard to believe.
February 1, 2023
Before you get too bent out of shape consider 2 things 1. Trump never says anything without a purpose. 2. This is an information war. Information can be true or it can be false. Now after saying that ... View More
February 1, 2023
John Smith
Walks like a dusk, talks like a duck, keeps company with ducks, YOU be the judge.
February 1, 2023
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