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Graham Kenney
What a fat fuckin piece of shit, what a mess
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Graham Kenney
Australia is a mess,our government work for the UN, it's a great country if you're not Australian, I'm guessing American's are starting to feel the same way, Just once in my life would be good to have... View More
Graham Kenney
Does anyone post funny stuff on this platform,or is it purely Just a political moaning page? I mean funny video's that don't relate to politics
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Bob Teardrop
Yes Graham we do !! Pay no heed to these democrats, these fools have no right to tell anyone to go somewhere else . Yeah post some funny stuff we all like to laugh here
August 24, 2022 Edited
Sandy Meshell
Not really, lmao 🤣
August 24, 2022
Well...occasionally there are funny political memes. But to appease your thirst for jokes: Q:What do you call a dog with no legs? A: It don't matter, he won't come anyway.
September 21, 2022 Edited
Sandy Meshell
Sandy Meshell replied - 2 replies
Graham Kenney
Sort out all the fake profiles ffs there's more fake profiles on this bullshit than real one's, it's not hard all the woman who only have gullible old blokes as friends,fuck them off,if people get sca... View More
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Joseph Moncrief
You are, stupid. You're the only one responsible for dealing with anyone on any platform.
August 24, 2022
Graham Kenney
Graham Kenney replied - 1 reply
Graham Kenney
Best stand up show of all time, funny and true
Graham Kenney
If KD wants out of Brooklyn,all he has to do,is tweet free Hong Kong,free Taiwan,that should get it done
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Graham Kenney
Lol one's a hero,the other wouldn't know if it's arse is on 🔥
Graham Kenney
What a waste of beer, I'd be out licking the road lol
Graham Kenney
These NBA players are wankers, threaten to take your bat and ball home if they don't get their own way, Durant is dreaming,his contracted I'd trade him to fuckin Indiana,let the glory hunter wrot in a... View More
Graham Kenney
Graham Kenney
Have fun Britney Griner 😂😂
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Don Beaulieu
I wonder if IT will have to be in a men's prison. Sickening to hear the media refer to him as a her and when it speaks it is clearly a man 🤣
August 4, 2022
Graham Kenney
The school system is designed to keep you stupid,the government doesn't want you becoming too smart, that's why they don't teach you about money,instead they fill you're head with a bunch of bullshit ... View More
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